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3 reviews
188.3 k downloads

A Nintendo Switch emulator with excellent compatibility

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Ryujinx is an open source Nintendo Switch emulator for Windows that offers solid performance and precision when it comes to emulation, all on an intuitive and well-designed interface. The emulator is programmed in C#, thanks to which it's also compatible with other operating systems.

The recommended requirements for running Ryujinx are pretty high, as is to be expected. For most games to run smoothly, you'll need an Intel Core i5-8600K processor and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card. Of course, performance depends more on the game you want to emulate, since some games run much better than others.

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Before you play a Nintendo Switch game, it's important to check the emulator's official website for relevant information. Setting up games on Ryujinx isn't incredibly difficult, but it will take a little time. Luckily, thanks to its simple and elegant interface, it's not too hard.

Ryujinx is a powerful and easy-to-use Nintendo Switch emulator with an absolutely amazing compatibility list. It holds its own with Yuzu, another popular Switch emulator. Without a doubt, this is a great way to play tons of popular Nintendo Switch games on your PC.

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Information about Ryujinx 1.1.1385

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Emulators
Language English
Author Ryujinx
Downloads 188,252
Date Sep 4, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

zip 1.1.1380 Aug 30, 2024
zip 1.1.1379 Aug 23, 2024
zip 1.1.1376 Aug 21, 2024
zip 1.1.1375 Aug 16, 2024
zip 1.1.1374 Aug 13, 2024
zip 1.1.1373 Aug 9, 2024
Available for other platforms

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3 reviews


donbigoton icon
in 2023

good emulator

oldblackjackal6573 icon
in 2020

JJSJJS is called ryujin were they inspired by itzy?

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